Entrepreneurs, Intrapreneurs and Innovation

Social 科学 Program

日期: 2/9/25 - 6/1/25

Social 科学

Entrepreneurs, Intrapreneurs and Innovation

Entrepreneurs, Intrapreneurs and Innovation Course Overview


CEA CAPA Partner Institution: Corvinus University of 布达佩斯
Location: 、匈牙利
Primary Subject Area: 业务
Instruction in: 英语
Course Code: 汽车310年
Transcript Source: Partner Institution
Course Details: Level 300
Recommended Semester Credits: 3
Contact Hours: 45


In previous courses, students have been building a base of knowledge in digital applications and strategy. This course challenges students to apply this knowledge to their own digital startups and develop an active understanding of how innovation and creative processes can be leveraged to achieve tangible and meaningful business objectives. Students must quickly learn how to work effectively in teams and will ultimately present their final pitches in front of their peers and invited professionals. Students will build their own digital startups using the 'Build, 测量, Learn' methodology created by Eric Ries in his bestselling book entitled 'The Lean Startup.' The logic behind Lean Startup is that entrepreneurs must take a disciplined approach to building a business to avoid wasting precious resources that often lead to failure. 'Your Next Five Moves' by Patrick Bet-David offers a more current view of business strategy and entrepreneur船.

Corvinus University of 布达佩斯 awards credits based on the ECTS system (2 ECTS credits equals 1 U.S. credit therefore, 6 ECTS credits is equivalent to 3 U.S. 学分). At Corvinus University of 布达佩斯, all classes meet for a minimum of 180 minutes per week. Contact hours are calculated through a combination of lecture hours and outside activities which can include (workshops, 研讨会, fieldwork activities, guest lectures, and independent work) therefore, contact hours may vary on syllabi

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